Curving Your Blade

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How can I increase/decrease the curve in my blade?

Curving Your Blade

Wondering how to put a curve into a hockey stick? Place a blow dryer a few inches from the blade and leave it on the blade for not more than a minute and a half. Make sure you get both sides of the blade. Once you're done, quickly place the blade under a door or do it with your foot. Make sure you don't break the blade or curve it too much.



9/15/2006 10:06:31 AM
Brendan Tedstone said:

THis will not work on 1 piece synthetic sticks or thise type of blades. you will just break them and be out MORE cash!!

6/5/2007 8:03:30 PM
Cory Pelligreno said:

YA, use a wooden blade. Don't use a door to curve it either, use a vice grip and be patient it takes time!!!

PS. Its also helpful to have an example handy so you know how far you need to go. Don't just wing it, have a plan.


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